
Global IoT Trust Survey Reveals Security Concerns

1 min read

The widespread lack of trust in Internet of Things( IoT ) devices has been revealed by a recent study by Utimaco, an IT security solutions provider.

Only 14 % of consumers believe that smart devices are secure, despite the fact that 38 % of them use them, according to a report titled Circles of Trust 2023: Exploring Consumer Trust in the Digital Society, which was released earlier today.

With 41 % of respondents expressing optimism about the convenience for connectivity could bring to their daily lives, it is clear that a attached world is appealing as societies become more and more online attached. & nbsp,

However, the study found significant differences in attitudes toward IoT and intelligent city technology across various nations. Its scope was expanded to include respondents from Mexico, USA, Singapore, as well as Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom( from last year’s edition ).

Notably, despite industry usage, only 24 % of respondents felt confident in their ability to define the term” Internet of Things”& nbsp. With the highest percentage( 33 % of respondents who could define the term ), Singapore was in the lead, followed by the UK with the lowest percentage( 20 %).

The report also calls for better public-facing communication techniques. It places a strong emphasis on using the most recent online security solutions to secure IoT and intelligent city digital infrastructure.

OT/ IoT Malware Increases Tenfold in the First Half of the Year for more information on IoE security.

According to Utimaco CEO Stefan Auerbach,” we’re living in an extremely modern world with more connected and clever devices that need to be secured.” The findings of the Circles of Trust white paper demonstrate the need for additional work to foster confidence and reassurance in consumers and their connected devices.

Leo Portal

Leo is an expert in the field of smart city research and an overall tech-enthusiast with an emphasis on smart energy, IOT, smart homes and governance. After a master degree in international administration at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, and a master in public management at Fudan University in China, he pursued research studies in the field of smart cities at the European University Institute. This led him to publish multiple articles on smart cities. Among them “Using Smart People to Build Smarter: How Smart Cities Attract and Retain Highly Skilled Workers to Drive Innovation (Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland)” published in the Smart Cities and Regional Development Journal (SCRD) and “Establishing Participative Smart Cities: Theory and Practice”, also published in the SCRD Journal. He regularly audits and advises municipalities and regional governments on their smart city strategies. He is currently writing a chapter for Springer on smart mobility in French smart cities.

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